Women only dive course


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Diving with Faro Luna Diving Center is great not only for their professional service and abundance of fantastic dive sites but also because of several fun and important projects being carried out. I was fortunate to be a part of many of those projects but the very first one that I got involved was the project to organize free diving course for women as a goal of achieving gender equality in our industry. The Faro Luna offered their facility and equipment to run the course , the instructors offered their time to teach , ACUC provided materials with certificates and we at Aquasub Scyba Diving Centre designed and made T-shirts for all participants.

After the message about the course was spread around the island , several inquiries were received out of which 30 participants signed up for the first course. It was a great joy to see the enthusiasm and dedication of instructors and participants which lead to the fast and effective progress which resulted in certification of the entire group.

We are all looking forward to organizing more courses like this in the near future. Check out the video I made of those ladies making their first steps in the underwater adventure.


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