Diving Cienfuegos the Pearl of the South


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If you asked me how to describe diving in Cienfuegos in few words I would say The true diving playground for all types of divers. If you like sailing I would use analogy that diving in Cienfuegos is like sailing in BVI. All the divesites are very close, some of the best , just in front of the Faro Luna dive center, less then 5 min boat ride.

The reef channels run perpendicular to the shore creating spectacular crevices and caves with the exits into the blue abyss on the nearby vertical wall.

Those crevices with small opening restrictions create fantastic opportunities for sidemount training. There are 10 shipwrecks in the bay covered with coral and rich with marine life. They provide great opportunities for the divers to practice wreck penetration skills and for photographers to get their perfect photo.

For the divers who are into history there is the famous English cable on the bottom of the bay which once was connecting Cuba with the rest of the world. The marine life took it over with coral growth and beautiful fans . There are also couple of cannons more then 500 years old lost probably from one of the pirate ship who frequent these waters back in years.

The divers who are into the science and environment study can visit our underwater research platform and the entire ship that we sank to create artificial reef .

Overall there are more divesites then you could possibly visit in one week of diving so if you like to see them all join our fall, winter, spring or summer dive camps. You can come for one , two or more weeks of diving with us and so you don’t run out of your no decompression time we have Nitrox.


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